Friday, June 11, 2010


  • Form: the purple ball shows the 3D and volume an element.
  • Line: the hockey sticks are straight to show what a line looks like.
  • Shape: the cup is an enclosed object that puts an emphasis on the outer rim of the cup for a 3D affect.
  • Color: The lacrosse stick was used to show the brightness of the yellow on the black bed.
  • Texture: the walk way is made of stone and concrete, giving it a rough texture.
  • Space: the area in between the houses shows the element of space.
  • Value: the difference in the colors on the two sandals shows the aspects of lightness and darkness.
  • Emphasis: this photo was taken in Las Vegas at the Stratosphere. The background of the sky really brings the viewer's eye to the structure.
  • Balance: the beer cans show unity and equal weight and structure.
  • Harmony: the DVD rack shows the smooth transition as they are stacked on each other.
  • Variety: The multiple picture frames show different shapes and sizes.
  • Movement: This picture was taken at a Miami Heat and Cleveland Cavs basketball game. The quick play of the players shows movement on the picture.
  • Rhythm: The butterflies come in a pattern one right after another, showing rhythm.
  • Proportion: This photo was taken at a Toronto Blue Jays game in Toronto. The size of the players is directly affected by the size of the stadium as a whole.
  • Unity: This is a picture of a team, all with the same track suits on. The purple track suits show just how a big group of individuals can come together to look unified.

1 comment:

  1. I think most of your pictures are very well categorized. The ball is clearly a form, the butterflies are a good pattern, and the walkway is a good example of texture. When I think of movement, I think more of leading lines, and pulling your eye through a composition, I wouldn't have thought of taking a photo of someone actually in motion. I think the DVD rack would be a better example of variety than harmony though. I think of harmony as peaceful and easing from one thing to another. The different colors of the DVDs makes it a harsher transition and doesn't strike me as harmony.
