1. The first video was “Greenberg on Art Criticism: An Interview by T. J. Clark”. In the video, they discuss the important aspects to remember when you critique art. One point was made that while you critique, it is important not to be biased and not to keep a preference. The main objective is to keep an open mind and be responsive to any art piece that you may be analyzing. In his opinion, visual art is the hardest to critique because of the biased nature that most people have. Greenberg focuses on having good reasoning for his options and to be relevant to the piece. This is a concept that we have been taught throughout this course.
The next video was “Greenberg on Pollock: An Interview by T. J. Clark”. Greenberg goes into discussing the art of painter Jackson Pollock. It was pointed out that Pollock knew was going to be a great painter. Greenburg also discusses the nontraditional works of Pollock, which can best be described as "outside of the box". In 1947, Pollock painted his first drip painting. Greenberg gave Pollock a lot of credit for his nontraditional works, and even though Pollock rejects criticism of his works. Pollock seemed to burn a lot of bridges in the art work, and became sort of an outsider, even to the point where some people didn’t even consider his style “art”.
The next video was “An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance”. The video discusses how art is changed due to a new enthusiasm, which started in the 1560’s in Florence, Italy. Each artist took ideas from past artists and diffused them into their own ideas of art. The video includes information about works by many famous artists, encompassed in Visari's book "Lives of the Artist". Artists like Giotto, who was a well know painter during this time that was remembered for his realistic painting style. Other famous painters that come to mind during the Renaissance are Masaccio, Donatello, and Leonardo da Vinci.
The next video was “The Critics: Stories from the Inside Pages”. This video features a bunch of critics discussing their own criticism and opinions of other artists. It focuses on telling what a good critic does, by observing with a clear mind and how criticism is a good thing. It also discusses how a critic must be true to themselves and should be able to take criticism because according to the video it can be fun. Critics are people who are willing to make an argument, and often act as reporters. Even though some artists don't see critics as helpful and they send the wrong message, we should be encouraged to see all of the possibilities in art.
The next video was “The Colonial Encounter: Views of Non-Western Art and Culture”. It talks about Colonialism and The Worlds Fair of 1900, which in an eight month period brought over 50 million viewers. It discusses the main themes of indigenous people being put in cages and the belief that African people could turn on them. There was so racism depictions but as I learned in the past videos is that art criticism has to be discussed with an open mind. I personally couldn’t imagine growing up in a time like that, but works of art such as these were popular and our view of the present shouldn’t cloud our judgment of these images.
The last video was “Jackson Pollock: Michael Fried and T. J. Clark in Conversation”. The video focuses on the different criticisms of modern art, focusing on the style of Pollock and the different opinions of Michael Fried and T.J. Clark. Fried focused on the positive aspects like aesthetics and like how it was always regenerating. He also focused on discussing art strictly on the way they looked. Clark focused more on the history behind the piece and the influence it had during this time. It was good to hear of criticism coming from two different points of view, and how they listen to each other and combined it with their own options.
2. In regards to my Art Criticism project, the video did indeed help because it gave me better understanding of what art criticism involves and some tactics I can use when looking at someone else’s work. My method of critiquing was minimal and could sometime be considered biased. But with the pointers that I got from the videos, I feel like I can gave a better critique of my peers.
3. I thought I gain some good methods of critiquing from some of the videos, but a few weren’t as helpful. I felt the video on the Italian Renaissance and The Colonial Encounter weren’t very helpful. It was a lot of videos but the overall assignment wasn’t too bad. I just think it could have been cut down from six videos to four.